Laboratory of Neuroinformatics
Welcome to the Laboratory of Neuroinformatics at the Nencki Intitute of Experimental Biology! Please go to our new website Research profile:The main activity of the group is development of tools and models, and putting them to use to understand neural processing of sensory information. We focus on functioning of early levels of sensory systems, in particular thalamo- cortical loop, but we also study the extrageniculate pathway of the visual system and recently started to look at motor systems. Our main interests are in electrophysiology but we also analyze behavioral data. An important part of our activity is the development of a neuroinformatics infrastructure for storage and processing of histological information and the creation of histology-based 3D brain atlases from different input sources ( Our Institute web page: We send information about positions, seminars and other events of possible local interest to this group: If you want to join in, send us an email. Page under construction. Until done, to learn about us and our projects please check these pages: Daniel Wójcik Szymon Łęski 3dBAR If you have suggestions about how to improve this page, what else should appear here, let us know. |