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Summerschool on "Advanced Data Analysis and Modeling"

Carlos Oscar San Pablo - CEU University in collaboration with other five universities
(Málaga, Politécnica de Madrid, País Vasco, Rey Juan Carlos, and
Castilla La Mancha), nine companies, CSIC and IEEE organizes a
summerschool on "Advanced Data Analysis and Modeling" in Madrid between
June 26th and July 27th. The full summerschool is 120 hours long and is
divided into 10 courses. Attendees may register in each course
independently. The deadline for registration is June 1st. For more
information, please, visit

*List of courses and brief description* (full description at
Course 1. STATISTICAL INFERENCE (June 26th - June 29th)
Introduction, Some basic statistical tests, Simple linear regression.
Practical sessions: SPSS
Course 2. MULTIVARIATE DATA ANALYSIS (June 26th - June 29th)
Introduction, Data examination, Factor analysis, MANOVA,
Multidimensional scaling, Structural equation modeling. Practical
sessions: SPSS
Course 3. BAYESIAN NETWORKS (July 3rd - July 6th)
Basics, Inference in Bayesian networks, Learning Bayesian networks from
data. Practical sessions: Hugin, Elvira, Weka, LibB
Course 4. NEURAL NETWORKS (July 3rd - July 6th)
Introduction, Perceptron networks, The Hebb rule, Multivariate
optimization, Rule of Widrow-Hoff, Backpropagation. Practical sessions:
Course 5. ASSOCIATION RULES (July 10th - July 13th)
Introduction, Rule discovering, Knowledge discoverage in biological
data, Applications. Practical sessions: Bioinformatics tools
Course 6. EXPERT SYSTEMS (July 10th - July 13th)
Introduction, Expert system programming, Hybrid systems. Practical
sessions: CLIPS and JESS
Course 7. HIDDEN MARKOV MODELS (July 17th - July 20th)
Introduction, Discrete HMM, Basic algorithms, Semicontinuous HMMs,
Continuous HMMs, Clustering, Generalized HMMs. Practical sessions: HTK
Course 8. TIME SERIES ANALYSIS (July 17th - July 20th)
Introduction. Probability models, Regression and Fourier analysis,
Forecasting and Data mining. Practical sessions: MATLAB, R.
Course 9. DATA MINING (July 24th - July 27th)
Introduction, Exploring data, Classification, Cluster analysis, Survival
analysis, Anomaly detection. Practical sessions: R, WEKA
Course 10. PATTERN RECOGNITION (July 24th - July 27th)
Introduction, Performance of supervised classification, Preprocessing,
k-nearest neighbor, classification trees, logistic regression, rule
induction, combining classifiers, unsupervised classification. Practical
sessions: WEKA

Carlos Óscar Sánchez Sorzano      
Escuela Politécnica Superior            Tel:+34 91 372 4034
Univ. San Pablo - CEU                   Fax:+34 91 372 4049
Campus Urb. Montepríncipe s/n
28668 Boadilla del Monte - Madrid